
linn 发表于 2006-8-31 15:56

<P><EMBED src=http://www.u.arizona.edu/~aasim/Wall.mp3 width=400 height=29 type=audio/mpeg ShowStatusBar="1" autostart="true"></P><P>&nbsp;</P>

wahlik 发表于 2006-8-31 16:09

<P><FONT size=4>Daddys Flown Across the Ocean<BR></FONT><FONT size=4>Leaving Just a Memory<BR>A Snapshot in the Family Album<BR>Daddy what else did you leave for me?<BR>Dad What You Leave Behind for me?<BR><BR>All and all it was just a brick in the wall<BR>all in all it was all just bricks in the wall<BR><BR>* Hey!*<BR><BR>(Children Speaking)<BR><BR>(train goign through a tunnel)<BR><BR>*You, Yes You, Stand Still Laddie!*<BR><BR>When we grew up and went to school, there were certain teachers who would hurt the children anyway they could<BR>by pouring their derision upon anything we did<BR>exposing any weakness however carefully hidden by the kids.<BR>But in the town it was well known<BR>When they got home at night their fat and psychopathic wives<BR>Would thrash them within inches of their lives!<BR><BR>We don&#39;t need no education <BR>We don’t need no thought control<BR>No dark sarcasm in the classroom<BR>Teachers leave them kids alone<BR>Hey! Teacher! Leave them kids alone!<BR>All in all it&#39;s just another brick in the wall.<BR>All in all you&#39;re just another brick in the wall.<BR><BR>We don&#39;t need no education<BR>We don’t need no thought control<BR>No dark sarcasm in the classroom<BR>Teachers leave them kids alone<BR>Hey! Teacher! Leave us kids alone!<BR>All in all it&#39;s just another brick in the wall.<BR>All in all you&#39;re just another brick in the wall.<BR><BR>Spoken:<BR>"Wrong, Do it again!<BR>Wrong, Do it again!<BR>If you don&#39;t eat yer meat, you can&#39;t have any pudding. <BR>How can you have any pudding if you don&#39;t eat yer meat?<BR>You! Yes, you behind the bikesheds, stand still laddie!"<BR><BR><BR>"The Bulls are already out there"<BR>Pink: "Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrgh!"<BR>"This Roman Meal bakery thought you&#39;d like to know."<BR><BR>I don&#39;t need no arms around me<BR>And I dont need no drugs to calm me.<BR>I have seen the writing on the wall.<BR>Don&#39;t think I need anything at all.<BR>No! Don&#39;t think I&#39;ll need anything at all.<BR>All in all it was all just bricks in the wall.<BR>All in all you were all just bricks in the wall<BR></P></FONT><p>[此帖子已被 wahlik 在 2006-8-31 17:31:38 编辑过]

wahlik 发表于 2006-8-31 17:20

<P>&nbsp;</P><P>&nbsp;</P><P><TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD><A href="http://www.puerh.cn/forum/Profile.asp?username=wahlik"><IMG alt=查看wahlik的个人资料 src="http://bbs.puerh.cn/attachments/bbsxp/Profile.gif" border=0></A> &lt;A style="CURSOR: hand" onclick="javascript:open(&#39;friend.asp?menu=post&amp;incept=wahlik&#39;,&#39;&#39;,&#39;width=320,height=170&#39;)"&gt;<IMG alt=发送短讯息给wahlik src="http://bbs.puerh.cn/attachments/bbsxp/pm.gif" border=0></A> <A href="http://www.puerh.cn/forum/friend.asp?menu=add&amp;username=wahlik"><IMG alt=把wahlik加入好友 src="http://bbs.puerh.cn/attachments/bbsxp/friend.gif" border=0></A> <A href="http://www.puerh.cn/forum/search.asp?menu=ok&amp;search=author&amp;searchxm=username&amp;content=wahlik"><IMG alt=搜索wahlik发表过的所有主题 src="http://bbs.puerh.cn/attachments/bbsxp/find.gif" border=0></A> <A href="mailto:wahlik459@hotmail.com"><IMG alt=发送电邮给wahlik src="http://bbs.puerh.cn/attachments/bbsxp/email.gif" border=0></A> &lt;A href="javascript:copyText(document.all.yu274352)"&gt;<IMG alt=复制这个帖子 src="http://bbs.puerh.cn/attachments/bbsxp/copy.gif" border=0></A> <A href="http://www.puerh.cn/forum/retopic.asp?id=10040&amp;retopicid=274352&amp;quote=1&amp;topic=Another Brick In The Wall"><IMG alt=引用回复这个帖子 src="http://bbs.puerh.cn/attachments/bbsxp/reply.gif" border=0></A> <A href="http://www.puerh.cn/forum/retopic.asp?id=10040&amp;topic=Another Brick In The Wall"><IMG alt=回复这个帖子 src="http://bbs.puerh.cn/attachments/bbsxp/replynow.gif" border=0></A></TD><TD align=right>No.<FONT color=red><B>2</B></FONT>&nbsp;</TD></TR><TR vAlign=top><TD style="WORD-BREAK: break-all" colSpan=2><P><P><HR width="100%" color=#777777 SIZE=1></P><P><FONT size=4>Daddys Flown Across the Ocean 爹飛了去隔洋<BR></FONT><SPAN id=yu274352><FONT size=4>Leaving Just a Memory 剩下的只是紀念</FONT></SPAN><SPAN><FONT size=4><BR>A Snapshot in the Family Album 家庭相簿內的留影<BR>Daddy what else did you leave for me? 爹, 你還留了啥給我 ?<BR>Dad What You Leave Behind for me? 爹, 你給我遺留什麼 ?<BR><BR>All and all it was just a brick in the wall 畢竟, 這只不過是牆上的另一塊磚<BR>all in all it was all just bricks in the wall<BR><BR>* Hey!* 喂<BR><BR>(Children Speaking) (孩子們在說話)<BR><BR>(train goign through a tunnel) (火車穿過隊道)<BR><BR>*You, Yes You, Stand Still Laddie!* 你, 就是你, 挺立呀, 小子<BR><BR>When we grew up and went to school,&nbsp; 當我們長大上學&nbsp;<BR>there were certain teachers&nbsp; 總有些老師<BR></FONT></SPAN><SPAN><FONT size=4>who would hurt the children anyway they could 會用方法去傷害小孩心靈<BR>by pouring their derision upon anything we did 嘲弄孩子們的過失<BR>exposing any weakness&nbsp; 揭示他們的弱點&nbsp;<BR></FONT></SPAN><SPAN><FONT size=4>however carefully hidden by the kids. 不管孩子們怎麼小心的收藏.(弱點)<BR>But in the town it was well known 但全城也知<BR>When they got home at night 這些老師回家後&nbsp;<BR>their fat and psychopathic wives 還不是讓家中那肥又心理變態的妻子<BR>Would thrash them within inches of their lives! 折騰著他的心靈斗室</P></FONT></SPAN></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></P><P>我们不需要教育<BR>我们不需要思想控制<BR>教室裡不再有冷嘲热讽<BR>老师,离孩子们远一点<BR>喂!老师,离孩子们远一点<BR>毕竟,他们终将只是墙上的另一块砖<BR>毕竟,你只是墙上的另一块砖<BR>(孩子:)&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<BR>我们不需要教育<BR>我们不需要思想控制<BR>教室裡不再有冷嘲热讽<BR>老师,离孩子们远一点<BR>喂!老师,离我们小孩远一点<BR>毕竟你只是墙上的另一块砖<BR>毕竟你只是墙上的另一块砖<BR>(老师:)<BR>不对!再一次<BR>不对!再一次(在教训学生)<BR>如果你不吃肉,就没有布丁可吃<BR>如果你不吃肉,怎麼会有布丁可吃呢?(句型变换练习)<BR>你!就是你,在脚踏车棚后面那个,站住!<BR>你!就是你,在脚踏车棚后面那个,站住!<BR><BR></P><P>&nbsp;</P><p>[此帖子已被 wahlik 在 2006-8-31 17:34:36 编辑过]

7320 发表于 2006-8-31 17:32

<P><IMG src="http://bbs.puerh.cn/attachments/bbsxp/Emotions/4.gif">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <FONT face=新宋体 size=4>W兄有心了.这回知是什么意思了.</FONT></P>

linn 发表于 2006-8-31 23:29

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