
linn 发表于 2006-8-31 16:07

<P><EMBED src=http://www.wjjy.cn/uploadfile/vOODOo/Speak%20To%20Me.mp3 width=400 height=29 type=audio/mpeg ShowStatusBar="1" autostart="true"></P><P>&nbsp;</P><P>Speak&nbsp; To&nbsp; Me</P>

linn 发表于 2006-8-31 16:09

<FONT face=仿宋_GB2312 size=5>For millions of years mankind lived just like the animals<BR>Then something happenend which unleashed the power of our imagination<BR>We learned to talk<BR><BR>There&#39;s a silence surrounding me<BR>I can&#39;t seem to think straight<BR>I&#39;ll sit in the corner<BR>No one can bother me<BR>I think I should speak now. (Why won&#39;t you talk to me?)<BR>I can&#39;t seem to speak now. (You never talk to me.)<BR>My words won&#39;t come out right. (What are you thinking?)<BR>I feel like I&#39;m drowning. (What are you feeling?)<BR>I&#39;m feeling weak now. (What are you thinking?)<BR>But I can&#39;t show my weakness. (You never talk to me.)<BR>I sometimes wonder, (What are you feeling?)<BR>Where do we go from here? (What are you feeling?)<BR><BR>It doesn&#39;t have to be like this<BR>All we need to do is make sure we keep talking<BR><BR>Why won&#39;t you talk to me? (I feel like I&#39;m drowning.)<BR>You never talk to me. (You know I can&#39;t breathe now.)<BR>What are you thinking? (We&#39;re going nowhere.)<BR>What are you feeling? (We&#39;re going nowhere.)<BR><BR>Why won&#39;t you talk to me<BR>You never talk to me<BR>What are you thinking<BR>Where do we go from here<BR><BR>It doesn&#39;t have to be like this<BR>All we need to do is make sure we keep talking<BR></FONT>

wahlik 发表于 2006-8-31 16:17

<FONT size=5>Right, Why won&#39;t you talk to us ? </FONT>
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