
二月江南 发表于 2006-10-12 22:43

<EMBED src=http://elearning.victory.org.tw/gallery/homepage-94/94-h015/music-2.wma width=400 height=300 type=audio/x-ms-wma ShowStatusBar="1" autostart="true">

古树茶韵 发表于 2006-10-12 23:58


wahlik 发表于 2006-10-13 12:37

<FONT size=4>When I saw you standing there<BR>I about fell off my chair<BR>When you moved your mouth to speak<BR>I felt the blood go to my feet<BR><BR>Now it took time for me to know<BR>What you tried so not to show<BR>Something in my soul just cried<BR>I see the want in your blue eyes<BR><BR>Chorus :<BR>Baby, I&#39;d love you to want me<BR>The way that I want you<BR>The way that it should be<BR>Baby, you&#39;d love me to want you<BR>The way that I want to<BR>If you&#39;d only let it be<BR><BR>You told yourself years ago<BR>You&#39;d never let your feelings show<BR>The obligation that you made<BR>For the title that they gave<BR><BR>Baby, I&#39;d love you to want me<BR>The way that I want you<BR>The way that it should be<BR>Baby, you&#39;d love me to want you<BR>The way that I want to<BR>If you&#39;d only let it be<BR><BR>Now it took time for me to know<BR>What you tried so not to show<BR>Something in my soul just cried<BR>I see the want in your blue eyes<BR><BR>Baby, I&#39;d love you to want me<BR>The way that I want you<BR>The way that it should be<BR>Baby, you&#39;d love me to want you<BR>The way that I want to<BR>If you&#39;d only let it be</FONT>

wahlik 发表于 2006-10-13 12:54

<P><FONT color=#000000 size=4><STRONG>香港歌手許冠傑用此曲的旋律, 填上粵語歌詞.</STRONG></FONT></P><P><FONT color=#0000ff size=4><STRONG>春夢良宵<BR>-------------</STRONG></FONT></P><P><FONT color=#0000ff size=4><STRONG>見你咁靚真銷魂<BR>我已變到瘟瘟燉<BR>瀝瀝鶯聲真嬌艷<BR>但願共你好鶯盟<BR>快快去到妹跟前<BR>我眼跳腳軟似觸親電<BR><FONT color=#f70938>雙雙</FONT>傾心偷偷望<BR>互遇恨晚始相見<BR>BABY,<BR>今宵相對共用<BR>翩翩起舞共唱<BR>春風吹進羅帳 BABY,<BR>今宵相對共用<BR>翩翩起舞共唱<BR>與你相親真歡暢<BR>痛痛快快真一流<BR>你嘅愛意我心消受<BR>千金一刻享春夢 <BR>共度十世都不夠</STRONG></FONT></P><p>[此帖子已被 wahlik 在 2006-10-13 12:57:35 编辑过]
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