
二月江南 发表于 2006-10-13 13:43

<EMBED src=http://nhyz.org/liuyhon/mp3/Melody%20Fair.wma width=400 height=300 type=audio/x-ms-wma ShowStatusBar="1" autostart="true">

wahlik 发表于 2006-10-13 13:52

<STRONG><FONT size=7>&nbsp;</FONT></STRONG><CENTER><EM><FONT color=#e66b1a size=5><STRONG>-- Melody fair --</STRONG></FONT></EM></CENTER><P><STRONG><FONT color=#e66b1a size=5></FONT></STRONG><I><CENTER><STRONG><FONT color=#e66b1a size=5>Who is that girl with the crying face, <BR>looking at millions of signs ? <BR>She knows that life is a running race, <BR>her face shouldn&#39;t show any sign. </FONT></STRONG><P><STRONG><FONT color=#e66b1a size=5>Melody fair, won&#39;t you comb your hair ? <BR>You can be beautiful too. <BR>Melody fair, remember you&#39;re only a woman. <BR>Melody fair, remember you&#39;re only a girl. </FONT></STRONG><P><STRONG><FONT color=#e66b1a size=5>Who is that girl at the window pane, <BR>watching the rain falling down ? <BR>Melody life isn&#39;t like the rain. <BR>It&#39;s just like a merry-go-round.</FONT></STRONG></P></CENTER></I><p>[此帖子已被 wahlik 在 2006-10-13 13:53:04 编辑过]

wahlik 发表于 2006-10-13 13:56

<FONT size=4>謝謝江南兄. <BR><BR>嘻嘻,&nbsp; 找到 BEE &nbsp;GEES 的, 那就更棒了.<BR><BR>(我為人貪心, 得一想二, 兄別見怪. <IMG src="http://bbs.puerh.cn/attachments/bbsxp/Emotions/40.gif"><IMG src="http://bbs.puerh.cn/attachments/bbsxp/Emotions/40.gif"><IMG src="http://bbs.puerh.cn/attachments/bbsxp/Emotions/40.gif">)</FONT>&nbsp;
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