
二月江南 发表于 2006-10-18 19:10

<P><EMBED src=http://wma2.520music.com/20060312/qq130n/0312/2.Wma width=400 height=300 type=audio/x-ms-wma ShowStatusBar="1" autostart="true"></P><p>[此帖子已被 二月江南 在 2006-10-18 19:14:20 编辑过]

二月江南 发表于 2006-10-18 19:21

<P>94年al l4 one翻唱还算比较成功,主要那时R&amp;B正在风头,加上他们的唱工实在也不赖。</P><P>但听Kenny Rogers的I Swear,有种仓桑的味道,这是那四个年轻人所欠缺的。</P>

wahlik 发表于 2006-10-18 19:38

<P>嘻. 有時, 愛情好像不大合銀髮輩, (知道這是狹隘的看法, 但....)</P><P>Kenny的確多份蒼桑, 少了年輕人那種無顧及勇往直前的感覺,</P><P>&nbsp;</P><P><FONT color=#3366ff size=4>I Swear, by the monn and the stars in the skies<BR>and I swear like the shadow that&#39;s by your side<BR>I see the questions in your eyes<BR>I know that&#39;s weighting on your mine You can be sure I know my part<BR>Cause I&#39;ll stand bedside you through the year<BR></FONT><FONT color=#3366ff><FONT size=4>You&#39;ll only cry those happy tears<BR>And though I&#39;d made mistakes<BR>I&#39;ll never break your heart <BR>And I swear by the moon and the stars in the skies<BR>I&#39;ll be there<BR>I swear like the shadow that&#39;s by your side<BR>I&#39;ll be there<BR>For better or worse,till death do us part<BR>I&#39;ll love you with every beat of my heart<BR>And I swear<BR><BR>I&#39;ll give you everything I can<BR>I&#39;ll build your dreams with these two hands<BR>We&#39;ll hang some memories on the walls<BR>And when (And when)just the two of us are there<BR>You won&#39;t have to ask if I&#39;d still care<BR>Cause as the time turns the page My love won&#39;t age at all<BR>And I swear (I swear)by the moon and the stars in the skies<BR>I&#39;ll be there (P)I&#39;ll be there<BR>I swear (And I swear)liek the shadow that&#39;s by your side<BR>I&#39;ll be there I&#39;ll be there<BR>For better or worse,till death do us part,<BR>I&#39;ll love you with every beat of my heart and I swear<BR><BR>I swear by the moon and the stars in the skies<BR>I&#39;ll be there I&#39;ll be there<BR>I swear liek the shadow that&#39;s by your side<BR>I&#39;ll be there I&#39;ll be there <BR>For better or worse (C)Better or worse<BR>Till death do us part (C)Oh,no<BR>I&#39;ll love you with every beat of my heart<BR>Every single beat of my heart And I swear,I swear,I swear<BR><BR>我發誓<BR><BR>我發誓 當著天上的星星月亮 我發誓<BR>如同守候你的身影 我看見你眼中閃爍著疑惑<BR>也聽見你心中忐忑不安 你可以安心 我很清楚我的腳本<BR>在往後共度的歲月裡 你只會因為喜悅而流淚<BR>即使我偶爾會犯錯 也絕不會讓你心碎 我發誓<BR>當著天上星星月亮 我必在你左右 我發誓<BR>如同守候你的身影 我必在你左右 無論豐腴困厄<BR>至死不渝 我用我每個心跳愛你 我願給你一切我所能給的<BR>用雙手為你築夢 將最美好的回憶掛在牆上<BR>當你我獨處你不再對我的愛存疑 任時荏苒<BR>我的愛永不老去 <!-- text below generated by server. PLEASE REMOVE -->&lt;/OBJECT></LAYER></FONT></FONT></P><DIV><FONT size=4></FONT></DIV><P></SPAN>&lt;/STYLE></NOSCRIPT></TABLE>&lt;/SCRIPT></APPLET>&lt;SCRIPT language=JavaScript src="http://us.i1.yimg.com/us.yimg.com/i/mc/mc.js">&lt;/SCRIPT>&lt;SCRIPT src="http://us.i1.yimg.com/us.yimg.com/i/mc/mc1.js">&lt;/SCRIPT>&lt;SCRIPT src="http://us.i1.yimg.com/us.yimg.com/i/mc/mc2.js">&lt;/SCRIPT><SPAN id=cc style="BEHAVIOR: url(#default#clientCaps)"></SPAN>&lt;SCRIPT language=JavaScript src="http://geocities.com/js_source/geov2.js">&lt;/SCRIPT>&lt;SCRIPT language=javascript>geovisit();&lt;/SCRIPT><FONT size=4><FONT color=#3366ff>&lt;IMG src="http://visit.geocities.com/visit.gif?&amp;r=http%3A//hk.search.yahoo.com/search%3Fp%3Di+SWEAR%26fr%3DFP-tab-web-t%26meta%3Drst%3Dhk%26ei%3DBIG5%26n%3D10&amp;b=Microsoft%20Internet%20Explorer%204.0%20%28compatible%3B%20MSIE%206.0%3B%20Windows%20NT%205.1%3B%20SV1%3B%20.NET%20CLR%201.1.4322%29&amp;s=1024x768&amp;o=Win32&amp;c=32&amp;j=true&amp;v=1.2" border=0></FONT> <NOSCRIPT><img src="http://visit.geocities.yahoo.com/visit.gif?hk1161170884" alt="setstats" border="0" width="1" height="1"></NOSCRIPT><IMG height=1 alt=1 src="http://geo.yahoo.com/serv?s=382076079&amp;t=1161170884&amp;f=hk-w57" width=1> </FONT></P>
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