
历史的尘埃 发表于 2007-11-15 12:14


今年仲夏,亚洲开发银行(Asian Development Bank)在一份公告中,发布了一项鲜受关注的正式调查结果,显示中国经济规模和财富均低于以往估计。亚行公告引用了首次运用购买力平价(PPP)方式计算出的中国经济规模权威数据。这项调查结果显示:在世界银行(World Bank)今年年底公布预期的购买力平价修正数据时,中国经济规模将比以往估计的规模小40%。
世行行长罗伯特•佐立克(Robert Zoellick)上月提出,世行应继续向诸如中国、印度和巴西这样的国家提供贷款,因为这些国家的贫困人口在全球仍然占有很大比例。
上述计算可不仅仅是深奥的学术问题。根据过去的估计,美国政府问责局(US Government Accountability Office)今年表示,按照购买力平价计算的中国经济规模最早可能在2012年就会超过美国。这类报告在安全部门引起警觉,它们对中国有能力打造堪与美国抗衡的国防体系感到担忧。
然而,国际社会目前应关注的是,让中国在依然令人生畏的国内发展挑战中获得成功。如果把与中国的交往集中在需要扶持的二级地区,例如四川省(美国在那里有一个迅速发展的和平队(Peace Corps)项目),那么此类机会也许是可以把握的。而这样做的目标是,促进经济向有利于政治稳健的方向发展。
本文作者系卡内基国际和平基金会(Carnegie Endowment for International Peace)高级研究员,曾任美国财政部东亚办公室副主任。

历史的尘埃 发表于 2007-11-15 12:17


In a little-noticed mid-summer announcement, the Asian Development Bank presented official survey results indicating China's economy is smaller and poorer than established estimates say. The announcement cited the first authoritative measure of China's size using purchasing power parity methods. The results tell us that when the World Bank announces its expected PPP data revisions later this year, China's economy will turn out to be 40 per cent smaller than previously stated.
This more accurate picture of China clarifies why Beijing concentrates so heavily on domestic priorities such as growth, public investment, pollution control and poverty reduction. The number of people in China living below the World Bank's dollar-a-day poverty line is 300m – three times larger than currently estimated.
Why such a large revision in the estimates of China's economic condition? Until recently, China had never participated in the careful price surveys needed to convert accurately its gross domestic product into PPP dollars.
The World Bank's estimates based on summary data from the late 1980s probably overstated China's PPP gross domestic product even then. Up to now, the bank has revised its estimate very little. In the meantime, China has repeatedly raised the prices of food, housing, healthcare and a range of other non-traded goods and services. These reforms should have lowered the PPP adjustment, but the bank left it basically unchanged.
Last month, Robert Zoellick, World Bank president, argued that the bank should continue to lend to countries such as China, India and Brazil because they still had large shares of the world's poor.
The new, more accurate statistics describing a smaller, poorer China strengthen this argument. The ADB's announcement also indicates that the number of dollar-a-day poor in India is closer to 800m than the current estimate of 400m.
These PPP adjustments affect poverty measures because the World Bank's dollar-a-day poverty line is a PPP dollar poverty line. Reducing PPP consumption estimates drops large numbers of additional households below the poverty line.
For China, the correction needs to be made back to the 1980s and 1990s, when instead of World Bank estimates of roughly 300m people below the dollar-a-day poverty line, the number was more likely more than 500m. China has made enormous strides in lifting its population out of poverty – but the task was perhaps more gargantuan than most people thought and progress has been overstated by bank estimates.
These calculations are not just esoteric academic tweaks. Based on the old estimates, the US Government Accountability Office reported this year that China's economy in PPP terms would be larger than the US by as early as 2012. Such reports raise alarms in security circles about China's ability to build a defence establishment to challenge America's.
Well-informed analysts know that PPP calculations are a poor measure of a country's potential military base, but with the corrected China PPP statistics, the whole question is moot. China is just not that big now and will not get that big any time soon.
Given uncertainties about China's political and security evolution, this more moderate picture of China's economic size is reassuring. It means that the US and other developed nations have more time to engage China and interact with its fledgling institutions. There might be no better place to start than with military-to-military relations.
The immediate international interest, however, is for China to succeed in its still daunting internal development challenges. Such opportunities might be manageable if engagement focused on a needy sub-region such as Sichuan Province, where the US has a flourishing Peace Corps programme. The goal is to promote economic development conducive to political moderation.
Close contact with China's development process on the ground might also help us understand better the lessons China's experience might have for so many poor countries where development is stalled.
Finally, both Congress and the Treasury department should recognise the limitations and opportunities revealed by these more accurate data. For example, risks to its impoverished rural hinterland from a sudden large revaluation of its currency loom larger in Beijing's eyes than in Washington's. Acknowledging this could smooth negotiations.
The writer is senior associate at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. He was acting director of the US Treasury department's Asia Office

红旗飘飘 发表于 2007-11-15 13:31

原帖由 历史的尘埃 于 2007-11-15 12:17 发表 http://bbs.puerh.cn/images/common/back.gif
In a little-noticed mid-summer announcement, the Asian Development Bank presented official survey results indicating China's economy is smaller and poorer than established estimates say. The announcem ...

天心月 发表于 2007-11-15 16:23


[ 本帖最后由 天心月 于 2007-11-15 16:25 编辑 ]
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