
darksprite 发表于 2006-4-20 03:31

<P>Hello Chinese pu&#39;er experts and fans...anyone want to practice their English? I live in Los Angeles, California.</P><P>Pu&#39;er tea is difficult to find in the US, and&nbsp;knowledge of tea here is limited.&nbsp;</P><P>I have read and watched this forum for a while, and I finally figured out how to register.</P><P>[你好中国<FONT color=#000000>普洱专家和风扇... 任何人想要实践他们的英语? 我住在洛杉矶, 加利福尼亚。 普洱茶难发</FONT>现在美国, 并且茶知识这里是有限的。 我读和观看了这个论坛有一阵子, 并且我最后推测怎么登记]</P><P><A href="http://puerh_tea.livejournal.com/">http://puerh_tea.livejournal.com</A></P><IMG src="http://bbs.puerh.cn/attachments/bbsxp/2006-4/20064203282.jpg">

pure 发表于 2006-4-20 03:50

hello,<STRONG>darksprite,</STRONG>wellcome to here!<IMG src="http://bbs.puerh.cn/attachments/bbsxp/Emotions/40.gif">Please have a tea ,first.I want to practice my English,but I feel sleepy now,bye~

醉茗轩 发表于 2006-4-20 06:11

<FONT face=隶书 size=4>欢迎外国朋友!</FONT>

cpg316 发表于 2006-4-20 09:07

<P>前段有俄罗斯人,现在有美国人~<IMG src="http://bbs.puerh.cn/attachments/bbsxp/Emotions/48.gif"></P><P>看来网站人气不错喔~<IMG src="http://bbs.puerh.cn/attachments/bbsxp/Emotions/4.gif"></P>

疯魔成活 发表于 2006-4-20 09:30

<P>Good morning ,sir~~</P><P>Oh,no~Maybe I should&nbsp; say&nbsp; Good night~<IMG src="http://bbs.puerh.cn/attachments/bbsxp/Emotions/66.gif">all right?</P><P>Nice to meet you~</P><P>If you have any question,please&nbsp;leave your&nbsp; message here~~~</P><P>Wish you have a good time ~<IMG src="http://bbs.puerh.cn/attachments/bbsxp/Emotions/34.gif"></P><p>[此帖子已被 疯魔成活 在 2006-4-20 9:40:40 编辑过]

老树茶人 发表于 2006-4-20 09:33


疯魔成活 发表于 2006-4-20 09:39

<BLOCKQUOTE><STRONG>引用</STRONG>:<HR>原文由 <B>darksprite</B> 发表于 <I>2006-4-20 3:31:29</I> :<BR><P>Hello Chinese pu&#39;er experts and fans...anyone want to practice their English? I live in Los Angeles, California.</P><P>Pu&#39;er tea is difficult to find in the US, and&nbsp;knowledge of tea here is limited.&nbsp;</P><P>I have read and watched this forum for a while, and I finally figured out how to register.</P><P>[你好中国<FONT color=#000000>普洱专家和风扇... 任何人想要实践他们的英语? 我住在洛杉矶, 加利福尼亚。 普洱茶难发</FONT>现在美国, 并且茶知识这里是有限的。 我读和观看了这个论坛有一阵子, 并且我最后推测怎么登记]</P><P> <HR></P><P>There&#39;re some mistake in this chinese translation vision.</P><P>If you don&#39;t mind,I would help you to translate it once again.:<IMG src="images/Emotions/72.gif"></P><P>&nbsp;</P><P>Hello Chinese pu&#39;er experts and fans...anyone want to practice their English? I live in Los Angeles, California.</P><P>你好,中国的普洱专家和普洱爱好者.有人想锻炼自己的英语吗? 我住在加利福尼亚洲的洛杉矶.</P><P>Pu&#39;er tea is difficult to find in the US, and&nbsp;knowledge of tea here is limited.&nbsp;</P><P>在美国,普洱是很难找到的.关于普洱的知识也是有限的.</P><P>I have read and watched this forum for a while, and I finally figured out how to register.</P><P>我看这个论坛有一段时间了.最后终于知道是如何注册的.</P><P>&nbsp;</P></BLOCKQUOTE>

cpg316 发表于 2006-4-20 09:40

谢翻译~<IMG src="http://bbs.puerh.cn/attachments/bbsxp/Emotions/57.gif">

sfqy5555 发表于 2006-4-20 09:40

<P><FONT size=4>You can come to Fangcun and will know alls abour pu&#39;er.</FONT></P><P>[此帖子已被 sfqy5555 在 2006-4-20 9:42:03 编辑过]</P><p>[此帖子已被 sfqy5555 在 2006-4-20 11:07:44 编辑过]

cpg316 发表于 2006-4-20 09:41

看来我的英语水平是最水的了~<IMG src="http://bbs.puerh.cn/attachments/bbsxp/Emotions/23.gif">
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