
linn 发表于 2006-8-29 10:59

<P><EMBED src=http://www.study888.com/article/uploadfiles/tonight.mp3 width=400 height=30 type=audio/mpeg ShowStatusBar="1" autostart="true"></P>

linn 发表于 2006-8-29 11:01

<FONT face=黑体 color=#0000ff size=4>it&#39;s late in evening,<BR>she&#39;s wondering what clothes to wear,<BR>she&#39;s puts on her make up,<BR>and brushes her long blonde hair.<BR>and then she asks me:<BR>"do i look all right?" and i say:"<BR>yes,you look <FONT style="COLOR: #e10900">wonderful</FONT> <FONT style="COLOR: #e10900">tonight</FONT>."<BR><BR>we go to a party,<BR>and every one turns to see,<BR>this beautiful lady,<BR>is walking around with me,<BR>and then she asks me:<BR>"do you feel all right?" and i say:<BR>"yes,i feel <FONT style="COLOR: #e10900">wonderful</FONT> <FONT style="COLOR: #e10900">tonight</FONT>."<BR>i feel <FONT style="COLOR: #e10900">wonderful</FONT> <BR>because i see the love light in your eyes.<BR>then the wonder of it all <BR>is that you just don&#39;t realize.<BR>how much i love you.<BR><BR><BR><BR>it&#39;s time to go home now,<BR>and i&#39;ve got an aching head,<BR>so i give her the car keys,<BR>and she helps me to bed,<BR>and then i tell her,<BR>as i turn out the light,<BR>i say:"my darling you were <FONT style="COLOR: #e10900">wonderful</FONT> <FONT style="COLOR: #e10900">tonight</FONT>,<BR>oh,my darling you were <FONT style="COLOR: #e10900">wonderful</FONT> <FONT style="COLOR: #e10900">tonight</FONT>.</FONT><BR>

wahlik 发表于 2006-8-29 11:08

<FONT size=4>Oh my dear friend, you&#39;re wonderful .... always.</FONT>

骨头啃啃 发表于 2006-8-29 21:14

<P>好像是一个带眼镜的男人唱的,忘了,但好听。</P><P><A href="http://www.study888.com/article/uploadfiles/tonight.mp3">http://www.study888.com/article/uploadfiles/tonight.mp3</A></P>

骨头啃啃 发表于 2006-8-29 21:17

<IMG src="http://imusic.cn/pic/04/08/10234498444m.jpg" border=0>

linn 发表于 2006-8-29 22:23


wahlik 发表于 2006-8-30 13:40

<P><FONT size=4>感覺到他那份情懷嗎 ? </FONT></P><P><FONT size=4>一個男子, 在現實生活中, 一生中能有多少回這麼的感受.&nbsp;</FONT></P><P><FONT size=4>就是這個人 + 這把聲 : 把這感覺演繹出淋漓盡致.&nbsp;</FONT></P><P><FONT size=4>除了他, 就沒聽過有更好的.</FONT></P><P><FONT size=4>可以跟Tears in Heaven比較一下, 他是因為喪子而作的.&nbsp;但........&nbsp;</FONT></P>

二月江南 发表于 2006-8-30 20:32

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